Sunday, September 7, 2008

Love Story---Theresa Hossfeld and Jesse Thorn

Published: September 6, 2008

ON “The Sound of Young America,” Jesse Thorn’s irreverent public radio interview show and podcast, he calls himself America’s Radio Sweetheart — but only for the pure absurdity of it.

“It’s just the silliest thing in the world,” the wisecracking Mr. Thorn said of this nom de podcast. “I might as well call myself America’s Dandelion Queen.”

“He has one of the most radiolicious voices ever to be invented,” said John Hodgman, a regular on “The Daily Show With Jon Stewart,” a friend and fan of Mr. Thorn’s humor.

But when it comes to discussing Theresa Hossfeld, the Radio Sweetheart’s own sweetheart, Mr. Thorn, 27, is all sincerity. “I never wasn’t in love with her,” he said of Ms. Hossfeld, whom he met in high school in 1997 at the School of the Arts in San Francisco.

“In English class he wouldn’t do any of the reading, but he would know everything about the topic, ” Ms. Hossfeld, also 27, recalled. The two flirted and passed notes incessantly.

Then on Halloween 1998, pausing to change out of his gorilla suit, Mr. Thorn kissed her on the lips. “I had butterflies every day of my senior year,” Ms. Hossfeld said.

They haven’t been apart since that kiss — except during college. Just before they left for opposite coasts, he decided that they should start college single. But within three weeks, it was unbearable. “Neither one of us was particularly committed to the break-up,” Mr. Thorn deadpanned.

To celebrate their 730th day as a couple, Mr. Thorn, then a resident adviser at the University of California, Santa Cruz, cut out and mailed 730 paper hearts to Ms. Hossfeld’s Sarah Lawrence dorm room. “There are certain supplies that every R.A. has access to,” Mr. Thorn said. “Construction paper, condoms, that gold border paper for billboards. I felt that the construction paper was the most fruitful avenue to pursue.”

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